Souvenir d'Égypte - bronze sculpture of Queen Nefertiti, 1930s
Souvenir D'Égypte with bust of Queen Nefertiti in bronze, a sculpture dating back to the 1930s. Nefertiti had followed her husband, whose disturbing physiognomy has fascinated and hypnotized us for centuries, when he moved the capital from Thebes to Amarna, abolishing the cult of the god Amon and establishing a monotheistic religion whose god was Aton, the solar disk. The spouses also changed their name with the residence: Amenhotep (Peace of Amon) became Akhenaton (Useful to Aten); Nefertiti (The Beauty Who Has Arrived) called herself Nefer-neferu-Aten (Aten is radiant because the beauty has arrived). The queen died in 1339 BC. C., at 28 years old, leaving six children.

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