It's time for vintage to take advantage of the Internet

Choose the antique article comfortably seated on the sofa? Visit 3500 brocantage shops and vintage items without leaving home? Help our children decorate their homes without going to the usual Ikea or Maisons du Monde?
These are 3 of the aims that motivated my idea to create the first Italian portal of vintage furniture and decoration items: Together with my team of young experts and enthusiasts, we are about to launch the first Italian portal dedicated exclusively to unique, beautiful, intact and tasteful antique and vintage items.
Will it be successful? I am absolutely convinced of it.
First of all, because the young people (25 - 40 years old) who set up home are no less sensitive to design or less open to culture and good taste than we are. They too appreciate the rich and original creations of the past. They also appreciate the charm of an object full of history, the soul of a quality used car. As for the not so young, why should they spend on gas to visit a few stalls or shops when they can access more than a thousand stores from their tablet or computer at home?
For this reason, is about to offer a large selection of furniture and decoration objects produced until the 70s, unique and unique. We are talking about Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modernism, Bauhaus, Industrial, Radical Design... Obviously, fans of the Haute Epoque, Renaissance, Empire and Louis-Philippe will also find answers to their research.
All of these items are usually offered in the traditional way, i.e. in antique shops or markets. We, instead, will offer them on the internet with a portal that will go online soon, first in Italian, then in English for foreign markets.
Why promote Vintage on the internet?
The Internet, which is now 25 years old (the first sites even have a vintage look!) should not be seen as a competitor to anyone, it is a channel of communication and complementary marketing for any store or stall.
The big furniture makers have understood this: last year, Ikea sold in Italy for 50 million of its production via the internet, a turnover up 38% on the previous year (source: Ikea). From Maisons du Monde, 23% of its production went through the internet to the homes of Italians (source: Maisons du Monde).
Those who deny this growing and unstoppable trend make a mistake. By now, the internet provides fabulous visibility, generates more customers than any physical store, contributes to the spread of activity more than any other medium. Almost all the 100 antique dealers and vintage shops I met last Monday at Mercantinfiera in Parma have understood this. Except 2 or 3 who told me they didn't want to hear about the internet ("We want to look the customer in the eye!"), they all already operate on the internet or think they do.
The question that arises for this large majority of men and women who are experts in their profession but are in doubt about the way to follow with the internet is the following:
Do it at home or rely on an external "market place"?
My answer is: both, because having your own website, at least a showcase with some photos and a phone number is necessary to be noticed.
But it is not enough to sell in a relevant way. In fact, your website allows you to be found, but not to be promoted. And those who are not promoted, are not searched, so they are not found.
To sell, instead, you have to rely on a web expert who knows how to spread an offer.
The Grand Vintage team responds to these needs because it enjoys a great experience gained through the creation and management for 11 years of Top Partners Srl, still the Italian leader in the intermediation of professional services.
We therefore know how to optimize websites, carry out successful newsletter campaigns, keep database updated, create and spread remarketing banners, monitor impact Google Adwords campaigns, attract "followers" on Facebook and Instagram etc... And above all, get customers.
At GrandVintage, we also attach the utmost importance to 2 key issues: the quality of logistics (care of the article and accuracy of delivery) and payment security.
So I would like to thank all those who welcomed me with attention and kindness on their stand in Parma, expressing positive and encouraging opinions. You were numerous.
To you who will follow us in this launch phase of Grand Vintage; I am committed to putting you in a position to:
- Sell much more and much faster;
- Ship with the utmost serenity;
- Cash your money safely.
This is just the beginning of a long and fruitful collaboration, you will confirm it to me on the phone, by email or in Parma in March 2019!